2008 Blowing In The Wind, Water Under The Bridge. Stephen Street Bridge mosaic.
2020 Have Dreams. Co-Lead Artist with Antonia Ruppert. Berwyn, Il 60439. Berwyn Inclusion Project 2020. Collaboration with Youth Crossroads, high school students, Berwyn Public Art Initiative, Berwyn Development Corporation, JSMorton District 201
2020 Have Dreams. Co-Lead Artist with Antonia Ruppert. Berwyn, Il 60439. Berwyn Inclusion Project 2020. Collaboration with Youth Crossroads, high school students, Berwyn Public Art Initiative, Berwyn Development Corporation, JSMorton District 201
2020 With Love And Justice, There Is Community. Co-Lead Artist with Antonia Ruppert. Summer Enrichment Project with Berwyn District100 middle school students. Art on the Tracks - Berwyn Public Art Initiative, Youth Crossroads
2020 With Love And Justice, There Is Community. Co-Lead Artist with Antonia Ruppert. Summer Enrichment Project with Berwyn District100 middle school students. Art on the Tracks - Berwyn Public Art Initiative, Youth Crossroads